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The Bible Project: Micah Overview

Micah lived in a small town called Moresheth in the souther kingdom of Judah, around the same time as Isaiah, after the split from the northern kingdom of Israel. Both kingdoms had been violating their covenant with the Lord so Micah warned that God would send Assyria to take out Israel and, after that, Babylon would come to bring an even greater destruction. However mixed in with the warnings was the message of the restoration that God would bring on the other side of his coming judgment.

Length: 7mins

The Bible Project is a non-profit organisation creating animated videos that explain the narrative of the Bible. These videos are great for use in small group bible studies, as sermon introductions, to show in Sunday School or at home with your family. They are free for personal and educational use. Download a full-resolution version of this video along with a study guide at Presented by Tim Mackie and Jon Collins.


Keywords:OT Overviews, TBP, The Bible Project, Old Testament