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Mark Lanier: Better Bible Studies - Sacrifice - Chapter 6

"Mark continues on the theme of sacrifice. The Bible was built over time, and associations are built into it. Mark defined sacrifice as the destruction or surrender for the sake of something else. Marks presents this lesson with two points: 1. Lessons on sacrifices from more obvious passages like with how Moses explained how sacrifice association are built into the Passover regarding unintentional sin. 2. Lessons on sacrifices from less obvious places noting that defiant nor intentional sins were covered by sacrifices. Points for home: Jesus was always Plan A. Let’s live like we were Plan A Let’s worship like we were always Plan A Homework. What do you find as biblical themes of the Messiah? Listen to Mark teach the biblical theme of association with sacrifice and how Jesus fulfilled all the criteria for sin with His ultimate sacrifice for all time, past, present, and future. The blood of Jesus takes the abnormal and makes it normal. "

Length: 57mins


Accompanying notes for this, and other episodes can be found here.

Biblical Literacy is a class taught on Sunday mornings by W. Mark Lanier in Texas, US. Mark is a top 10 US trial attorney who also holds a B.A. in biblical Languages.

