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Christianity Explored 1: Good News

What is the best news that you have ever heard? In this first video in the Christianity Explored Course, Rico Tice begins to explain the 'good news' about Jesus Christ from the gospel of Mark. He says, "when you hear what you're about to hear if you don't think its the best news in the world you can be quite sure you haven't understood it." Rico shows that God has revealed himself in human history through Jesus Christ. When we look at Jesus, all the guessing games about God stop.

Length: 11mins

Christianity Explored is an introductory course to the Christian faith. It gives you time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the person at the heart of the Christianity - Jesus Christ.

*** PLEASE NOTE: this programme is intended for individual use only. For use in group settings please purchase a copy from: The Good Book Company. *** Leaders guides' and members' handbooks are also available.

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