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Changing Lanes Course - Episode 1: Taken for a Ride
If you were to set out in search for the meaning of life and the truth about God, where would you begin? Wherever you find human beings, you’ll find them to be people who worship. Even some atheists can get religious about what they believe. Whether it’s footballers who cross themselves or fans who sing their praises, it seems we’re all into following someone or something.
Download this episode's hint sheet here.
Length: 8mins
Changing Lanes is a 7 session evangelistic course, for older teenagers wanting to find out more about Jesus for themselves. Each session is about 30-45 minutes long, with video clips and discussion questions throughout one, pausable, episode. The course can be run by churches over several weeks or as an intensive 4 day workshop. Alternatively it can be done by individuals at home, or in a one-to-one setting.
Click here for a step by step guide to running for own course and all the episode hint sheets.
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All episode hint sheet are also available here.
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Keywords:youth, sharing faith, evangelising, seeker, study, evangelistic