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The Bible Project: Joel Overview
The book of the prophet Joel is a collection of poems that are both powerful and puzzling. It's unclear when the book was written, but possibly during the period of Ezra-Nehemiah after the exile. Joel was a man immersed in Scripture and so sees the events of how God related and responded to his people in the past as images of the future. Israel's sin has led to diaster, but God's mercy creates hope.
Length: 7mins
The Bible Project is a non-profit organisation creating animated videos that explain the narrative of the Bible. These videos are great for use in small group bible studies, as sermon introductions, to show in Sunday School or at home with your family. They are free for personal and educational use. Download a full-resolution version of this video along with a study guide at Presented by Tim Mackie and Jon Collins.
Keywords:OT Overviews, TBP, The Bible Project, Old Testament