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Mark Lanier: Better Bible Studies - Why? What? How? - Chapter 1
The goal of this series is to learn how to study the Bible with each lesson building on the previous. Today’s overview reviewed the why, what & how of bible study. Why? Timothy 3:12-17. The Bible is God-breathed, used for reproof, correction, train, inspired by God, and equips the believer for every good work. What? The Protestant Bible has 66 books. God’s holy and sacred words. In contrast, the Catholic Bible contains 14 additional books called the Apocrypha. How? Attitude, Read the Bible, Use pen and notes, and listen to the Holy Spirit. The Bible is God communicating through language. Listen to Mark show the value of Bible Study.
Length: 54mins
Accompanying notes for this, and other episodes can be found here.
Biblical Literacy is a class taught on Sunday mornings by W. Mark Lanier in Texas, US. Mark is a top 10 US trial attorney who also holds a B.A. in biblical Languages.